FOWI Honour Board
Every year, FOWI awards are presented to recognise both academic and professional staff who have made significant contributions to FOWI's impact and engagement.

Hawa Muhammed Farid
Impactful contribution
For an outstanding contribution to the online volunteer management supporting resource for the BNHCRC

Isabel Putri
Leadership and Innovation
For her leadership and innovation in marketing and communication projects

Fangfang Zhang
Early-Career Researcher
For the highest journal impact factor publication in 2021 with her paper:
"Job crafting towards strengths and job crafting towards interests in overqualified employees: Different outcomes and boundary effects." Journal of Organizational Behavior (2021).

Caroline Knight
Leadership and Innovation
For her leadership on the working from home project and industry engagement

Megan Orchard
Impactful contribution
for her outstanding work on the Thrive at Work Platform.

Ding Wang
Impactful contribution
for his outstanding work on the Thrive at Work Platform.
Shannon Chen
Leadership and Innovation
for his leadership on the WALC project.

Katrina Hosszu
Leadership and Innovation
for her leadership on the Hub initiative.

Bin Wang
Early-Career Researcher (Winner)
For the highest journal impact factor publication in 2020 with his paper:
"How Does the Use of Information Communication Technology Affect Individuals? A Work Design Perspective".

Florian Klonek
Early-Career Researcher (Highly commended)
For publishing five papers in 2020.

Florian Klonek
Early-Career Researcher
(Joint winner)
For the highest journal impact factor publication in 2019 with his paper:
"Time to go wild: How to conceptualize and measure process dynamics in real teams in high-resolution".

Caroline Knight
Early-Career Researcher
(Joint winner)
For the highest journal impact factor publication in 2019 with her paper:
"How work redesign interventions affect performance: An evidence-based model from a systematic review".

Daniela Andrei
Impactful Contribution
For her outstanding work on multiple industry projects.

Djurre Holtrop
Leadership and Innovation
For being a highly engaged and active FOWI citizen internally at Curtin University and with industry.

Operations Team
Sana Arslan,Diane Garnham, Julia Grondin, Carole Katz, Isabel Putri and Abbe Rorrison
Leadership and Innovation
For their outstanding work delivering events, marketing and communications.