Thrive at Work
Taking employees, organisations and industry beyond wellbeing, towards thriving.
Breaking New Ground
Thrive at Work is an initiative created to provide Western
Australian organisations with the knowledge and tools to
design, implement and sustain healthy, high performing
work environments.
With the support of the Mental Health Commission WA, the initiative provides an easy to understand set of evidence based tools to help create wellbeing strategies and measurable action plans to enhance employee wellbeing.
In consultation with over 50 WA organisations of different sizes and industries, this initiative is helping pave the way for a Western Australia where organisations recognise that the success of their business and the health of their workforce goes hand in hand.
The Framework
The Thrive at Work initiative is underpinned by a world-leading, evidence based framework that helps cut through the wealth of information on mental health at work.
In simple terms, organisations are provided with a road map towards focusing on mental health and promoting thriving.
A single portal
The Thrive at Work website acts as a single portal for organisations to access a large range of tools and resources related to the initiative.
Some examples include the Thrive at Work Framework, non commercial evaluation tools, best practice guidelines and case studies. With a few clicks of a mouse, organisations will be able to start the process of putting mental health at the forefront of their work design.
Subscribe to the Thrive at Work website to find out about our series of masterclasses and workshops.
One of the key factors that contributes to a mentally healthy workplace is good job design. It not only minimises workplace risks associated with poor mental health but also supports employee engagement and innovative workplaces. Thrive at Work in WA is an evidence-informed initiative centred on good work design which links high quality jobs, agile organisations and employee wellbeing.
Beyond Blue supports this initiative as a key foundation for a mentally healthy workforce which will contribute to a mentally healthy and thriving community in WA.
Patrice O’Brien
General Manager Workplace,
Partnerships and Engagement
Beyond Blue
Project Lead
Karina Jorristma
Project team also includes
Dannielle Finnerty, Megan Orchard, Jennifer Warr, Lucinda Iles, Kim Parker and Meredith Carr.