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Curtin Credential:

SMART Work Design


Learn how to increase job satisfaction and the wellbeing of employees, and improve productivity

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Are you passionate about helping to create smart, healthy and productive work?

By pursuing a PhD with us, you’ll make discoveries and turn them into real-world outcomes that are highly valued by academia, industry and society.

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Find smarter ways to work, grow and thrive

​At the Future of Work Institute (FOWI), here at Curtin University, we’re equipping Australian employers and employees to evolve and thrive in the ever-changing, technology-driven innovation age.


From the private to the public sector. From training and technology solutions to systems and policies. From recruitment, work design and performance to leadership, safety and mental health and wellbeing. Our collaborations transform capability, capacity and the bottom line.

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A SMARTer way to work

Developed by ARC Laureate Fellow Sharon Parker, SMART is a model for designing meaningful, motivating work that delivers positive outcomes by focusing on five key criteria: Stimulating, Mastery, Agency, Relational, and Tolerable Demands.

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Our Research in Practice

Thrive at Work is a world-first wellbeing initiative developed in partnership with leading mental health bodies and businesses. Together, we’ll design work that helps your employees and organisation thrive.


Study your PhD at FOWI

A sneak peak into how we make a difference

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Learning. Evolving. Performing. Thriving.

Our renowned research team at Curtin University brings a diverse range of academic and industry expertise to our partnerships with private and public-sector employers and employees.


Together with our partners, we conduct world-class research using innovative diagnostics tools and approaches, then apply it in the real world. Partner with us to be part of the transformation of work.


Transform work, performance and quality of life.

From training and technology to systems and policies. From recruitment, work design and wellbeing to leadership, safety and change management. The innovative, evidence-based solutions we develop change everything.


We’re talking about tailored solutions that will enable your employees and organisation to continually learn, grow and flourish; to embrace change and leverage technology; to seize opportunities and thrive in our complex, ever-changing, often-chaotic world.

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