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Our Research Themes

Business Woman

Thriving in the digital age:
An overall theme

Our overall theme is “thriving in the digital age”.  We support thriving individuals and organisations through leading-edge research, collaborative projects, embedded in translation and dissemination activities.

The Institute will implement the following thematic programs.


These six programs will shape the research and practice of the Institute. The programs intersect with each other and research across Curtin University to build the theme of thriving in a digital age

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Transform work, through work design, to create better lives for workers, more effective organisations, and a flourishing society.

Australian Research Council Laureate Professor Sharon Parker leads this theme. Sharon is the Director for the Centre for Transformative Work Design and manages multi-industry collaboration to redesign work structures, leadership roles, and communication networks.

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Engaging people through changing organisational structures, intensive communication media, and fluctuating demands.

Professor Marylene Gagne leads this in collaboration with Associate Professor Patrick Dunlop. The projects undertaken will help to understand the recruitment, motivation, compensation, and skills required in new and evolving work structures.

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Work, careers, and performance as people interact with complex and dynamic technical systems.

Practice Professor Karina Jorritsma leads this theme which includes defence-related projects to understand human endurance, system configurations, and training in complex operating environments.

Policy settings that increase opportunity, flexibility, and sustainability.

Professor John Phillimore leads this theme. John is the Executive Director of the John Curtin Institute of Public Policy and has extensive experience working with government to develop employment and industry policy.

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Generating, analysing, and using data to create a better workplace.

Professor Mark Griffin leads this theme to ensure all projects are supported by recent advances in data modelling, machine learning, and visualisation. The theme also explores how analytics can better support organisational decision making.

How do we keep people in work longer and optimise their contributions?

ARC Laureate Fellow Professor Sharon Parker leads this theme via the ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research where she is Stream Leader for Organisations and the Mature Workforce and Director of Mentoring.


FOWI Case Studies Library

The Future of Work Institute engages with all sectors of the economy to improve work and support innovation.


Current partners include large employers in health, energy and technology, small businesses and emerging start-ups across a variety of sectors.

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