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Past Events - FOWI Academy

Engaging opportunities for non-FOWI members to participate in FOWI activities

Home > News & Events - FOWI Academy

FOWI Academy for 2024 is taking a break

The Academy will resume again in 2025, please check back in at later date for upcoming presentations.

Want to present your research? Contact our friendly organisers.

Audience and Lecturer

​About FOWI Academy


We're dedicated to research, learning and discussion

Is an informal program of learning, designed for Early Career Researchers. Within the domains of Management, Organisational Psychology and Organisational Behaviour.​ Although people from other disciplines and all career stages are welcome to join at any stage!

Academy topics

The Academy fosters collaboration and highlights a diverse range of research topics, including:


How to craft your academic career.


How to 'speak to' industry and governments to attract demand-driven research investment.


The latest research methods in the field, and how to use them.

Past FOWI Academy sessions:

Missed a session? 

See our extensive list of presenters and past recordings below.

This channel is coming soon!
  • Who can attend the FOWI Academy and FOWI Practice Academy sessions?
    Any staff or student at Curtin University is welcome to attend any FOWI Academy and FOWI Practice Academy session they like. Please bear in mind that the Academy was created to meet the needs of early career researchers (i.e., HDR students and junior academics) within the disciplines of Management, Organisational Behaviour, and Organisational Psychology. This may mean that some of the content or examples may not be relevant to people from other disciplines. We do not wish to discourage people from attending, but just want to be careful to manage expectations
  • When are the FOWI Academy sessions scheduled?
    Please refer to the schedule above, and available on the Future of Work Institute website. Occasionally, the FOWI Academy may host an ‘extraordinary’ session if, for example, a visiting academic or practitioner is available and willing to deliver a workshop.
  • What types of sessions are there?
    The FOWI Academy and FOWI Practice Academy programs were constructed after asking ECRs from the Future of Work Institute to tell us what they would like to learn about. The four themes that were identified were: contemporary research methods, life/career as an academic, how to engage with industry, and how to ensure research has an impact. Most workshop sessions will focus on topics within these four themes. Workshop presenters will generally be asked to limit their sessions to 2 hours, and to try to make the ses-sions interactive where possible. Supplemental FOWI Academy and FOWI Practice Academy events will take on different forms (e.g., journal club, round tables).
  • Do I need to enrol in a session before attending?
    Please contact Diane Garnham to register for a session (
  • Where are the FOWI Academy sessions held?
    The sessions will be held on the 2nd floor of 78 Murray Street, Perth, depending on lecture room availability. We will try to notify you of any venue changes, and signs will be posted on the day.
  • I'm not able to attend the session, will the sessions be recorded?
    Between 2020-2022, we ran several sessions in a hybrid format with mixed success. Our suggestion is to attend face to face, as the sessions will be designed with the live audience in mind. However, sessions will be live-streamed, recorded and uploaded to Office 365 for individuals who requests access. Please note that our video recording technology has limitations, so we cannot ensure that the presenters will always remain within the camera's frame or that the speaker and audience audio will be captured clearly. Additionally, some sessions include interactive elements that may not translate effectively to video.
  • Do I need to do any preparation for the sessions?
    Please prepare in advance a PowerPoint presentation to accompany your FOWI Academy session, in some cases other types of preparation might be required. This preparation might involve installing software (e.g., R Studio), reading an article, or jotting down some ideas that would connect the topic of the session to your own research interests. Presenters will be asked to make clear whether there is any homework or preparation. Please bear in mind that most presenters are participating in the FOWI Academy and FOWI Practice Academy on a voluntary basis, so please respect their requests to complete the preparation activities. If you have not completed the preparation, the presenter will not be willing nor able to wait for you to catch up!
  • I would like to run a session or invite someone to run a session of FOWI Academy – What do I need to do?
    Please bear in mind that the sessions are planned many months in advance, last minute timeslot requests may not be available. We recommended contacting the Coordinator in advance with your preferred time slot. Please contact the FOWI Academy program committee (currently Micah Wilson (, Lucinda Isles (, and Patrick Dunlop, with details on what you like to present on and when you are available. The FOWI Practice Academy program is organised by Karina Jorritsma ( and Belinda Cham (

Contact Us

FOWI Academy Organising Commitee

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Dr Micah Wilson

FOWI Practice Academy Organising Commitee

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Dr Belinda Cham

For general enquires and FOWI Seminar Series

Diane Garnham
Pat Dunlop_135_Web.jpg
Professor Patrick Dunlop
Karina Jorritsma-34.jpg
Professor Karina Jorritsma

Contact Us

Future of Work Institute

Curtin Graduate School of Business 

78 Murray Street

Perth WA 6000

Telephone: +61 8 9266 4668


The Future of Work Institute (FoWI) promotes productive and meaningful work as essential foundations of a healthy economy and society.

FoWI’s researchers focus on how people contribute to and benefit from new knowledge and practices, and their mission is to support thriving people and organisations in the digital age.


The Future of Work Institute acknowledges Whadjuk Nyungar people who remain Custodians of the lands on which we research, learn and collaborate.


© 2025 Future of Work Institute, Curtin University


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