Congratulations to our Thrive at Work team for winning the Curtinnovation award in the Business and Law category!
Developed by the Future of Work Institute, Thrive at Work is an initiative that helps organisations to design, implement and sustain healthy, high performing work environments. With the support of the Mental Health Commission WA, Thrive at Work offers evidence-based tools and resources to workplaces, to help them create wellbeing strategies and measurable action plans to enhance employee wellbeing.
Thrive at Work team: Meredith Carr, Dannielle Finnerty, Professor Mark Griffin, Lucinda Iles, Dr Karina Jorritsma, Megan Orchard, Kimberley Parker, Professor Sharon Parker and Jennifer Warr
The Curtinnovation Awards, previously called the Curtin Commercial Innovation Awards, were established in 2007 and represent our commitment to ensuring that exceptional research outcomes translate into new products and services. The competition is now a focal point of the innovation calendar in Western Australia.
The key objectives of the program are:
to identify new technologies, products or services arising from research at Curtin
to promote awareness of commercialisation at Curtin both internally and to an external audience
to educate staff and students in commercial matters.